Nomas* Projects / Art, Dundee

June, 2023

For Some The Clouds Become Solid Ground

Artist Statement:

For Some The Clouds Become Solid Ground is an installation of relics, memories and documentation from the performance He Whom You Shall Love Is Absent by Sarah White, with tyroneisaacstuart. Performed first on 15 April 2023 at The Swiss Church London (supported by the Arts Council DYCP fund). The performance was developed in collaboration with artist duo Gardner and Gardner and many of the objects seen here were offered into the work by them.

He Whom You Shall Love Is Absent is a 1.5 hour improvised dance performance exploring faith and doubt, belief and disbelief. The acts of attention, listening and contemplation are foregrounded as sites for sense-making of the unknown or not-yet-fully-known. The title of the work is taken from Simone Weil’s text Gravity and Grace, ‘to put our life into that which we cannot touch in any way…It is impossible…. That is what is required.’ The pieces developed for NOMAS Gallery make allusions to the divine-bodily apparitions in religious paintings, where the heavenly and earthly realms intersect with one another.

This exhibition is part of a group of performances and installations across Dundee by Sarah White and tyroneisaacstuart for Art Night 2023

Artist's Bio:

Sarah works across performance, installation and writing, and is currently studying on the MA Creative Practice: Dance Professional at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance. Having previously studied at Chelsea College of Art and Aberystwyth University. Sarah's research centres on collaboration, improvisation and theological enquiry as sites for meaning making. Notable projects include working as artist-in-residence with The Koppel Project, London, and exhibiting and publishing with Siobhan Davies Dance. Most recently Sarah received funding from the Arts Council DYCP for her performance work.

In 2022 Sarah launched the Agnoscis Journal which publishes writing across art practice, theory and theology. Sarah is a Visual Arts Programme Curator with Morphē Arts and has worked as an artist mentor with the charity since 2012.

Artist's website: Instagram: @sarah_white16


Next project: → Endosode

Previous project: ← Beneath the Glaze
